How to Share Internet from Mobile to Mobile Without Hotspot?

Internet connectivity has become a quintessential part of our daily routines. And in scenarios where one device lacks a connection, sharing internet access becomes vital. While hotspots are effective, they sometimes drain the battery quickly, or in some cases, the device might have restrictions preventing hotspot usage. This is where alternative methods come into play.

How to Share Internet from Mobile to Mobile Without Hotspot?

Bluetooth Tethering

One of the lesser-known yet effective methods to share an internet connection between mobile devices is Bluetooth tethering.

Step 1: Enable Bluetooth on Both Devices

On the sharing device, navigate to the Settings app and tap on Bluetooth. Turn it on.

Bluetooth tethering

Repeat the process on the receiving device.

Step 2: Pair the Devices

On the receiving device, search for available devices and select the name of the sharing device. Accept the pairing request on the sharing device.

Step 3: Enable Bluetooth Tethering

On the sharing device, return to Settings, tap on Network & internet (the terminology might differ based on the OS), then Hotspot & tethering. Here, turn on Bluetooth tethering.

The receiving device should now have internet access.

USB Tethering

Another reliable method to share internet is through USB tethering, especially when battery preservation is essential.

Step 1: Connect the Two Devices

Using a compatible USB cable, connect the sharing device to the receiving device.

Step 2: Enable USB Tethering

On the sharing device, navigate to Settings > Network & internet > Hotspot & tethering and turn on USB tethering.

The receiving device should instantly access the internet.

Using Third-party Apps

Some apps on the Play Store and App Store facilitate internet sharing between devices without using a hotspot. One popular choice is “NetShare – no-root-tethering.”

Step 1: Install the App

Search for “NetShare” on your app store and install it on both devices.

Step 2: Set up the Connection

Open the app on the sharing device and click “Start.” This will create a Wi-Fi network. On the receiving device, connect to this network as you would with any Wi-Fi connection.

Best Non-Hotspot Sharing Methods

When aiming to share internet access between mobile devices without leveraging a hotspot, determining the “best” method invariably depends on your precise needs and scenario. Below is a comparison table that provides a succinct overview of the discussed methods based on several parameters, making it a handy reference as we explore each method in detail:

CriteriaBluetooth TetheringUSB TetheringThird-Party Apps (e.g., NetShare)
Battery ConsumptionLowVery Low (can charge)Moderate
Ease of SetupEasyEasyEasy
Data Usage ImpactLowLowModerate

1. USB Tethering: The Reliable Performer

USB tethering frequently becomes the method of choice due to its stability and speed in providing an internet connection. This method is not only beneficial for tasks that require a robust connection, like video calls or massive file transfers, but also allows the sharing device to charge while being used if connected to a laptop or a power-transmitting device.


  • Provides a robust and fast internet connection.
  • Charges the sharing device during use.
  • Tends to be more secure due to the direct connection.


  • Necessitates a compatible USB cable.
  • May hinder mobility due to the tethered connection.

2. Bluetooth Tethering: The Energy Saver

When conserving battery life is a top priority, Bluetooth tethering might be your method of choice. While it doesn’t deliver as high-speed an internet connection as USB tethering, it’s a notable option for ensuring longer battery life, especially on the sharing device.


  • Minimizes battery consumption compared to other wireless methods.
  • Facilitates a wireless connection, allowing for greater mobility.


  • Tends to offer slower internet speed.
  • May have limited range compared to Wi-Fi.

3. Using Third-Party Apps: The Versatile Connector

Third-party apps, like NetShare, provide a versatile solution without heavily relying on your device’s built-in functionalities. This method can be the ideal alternative when other approaches are impractical or when you prefer a wireless connection without utilizing a conventional hotspot.


  • Establishes a wireless connection without deploying a traditional hotspot.
  • Often user-friendly and quick to set up.


  • Connection quality and security can fluctuate between apps.
  • May consume additional data and battery due to app operations.

The Verdict

For Speed and Stability: USB Tethering. When a steady and high-speed connection is pivotal, and if mobility isn’t a major concern, USB tethering is the champion.

For Battery Preservation: Bluetooth Tethering. When it’s vital to sustain battery life, particularly on the sharing device, Bluetooth tethering is the victor.

For Wireless Convenience: Third-Party Apps. If a wireless connection is imperative and a traditional hotspot is not desired, third-party apps could be your optimal solution.

In the end, your selection will be influenced by your specific needs, the devices involved, and the circumstances you’re in. Sometimes, employing a combination of these methods might be the best strategy to ensure continuous and robust internet access. Always weigh the pros and cons, adapting your choice to suit your current situation for optimal results.


Sharing internet access between mobile devices without using a hotspot can be efficient, especially in preserving battery life or bypassing device restrictions. With the above methods – Bluetooth tethering, USB tethering, or third-party apps – you can ensure seamless connectivity for all your devices.


1. Is the speed the same when using Bluetooth tethering compared to a hotspot?

Bluetooth tethering usually offers slower speeds than Wi-Fi hotspots. However, it consumes less battery.

2. Are third-party apps safe?

Always download apps from trusted sources, read user reviews, and check app permissions. “NetShare” is widely recognized, but always exercise caution.

3. Can I charge my phone while using USB tethering?

Yes, if you’re tethering to a laptop or a device that can transfer power through USB, your sharing device will also charge.

It’s always good to have multiple methods at your disposal for sharing internet access. Depending on the situation, the nature of your devices, or specific needs, one method might be more suitable than another.

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